Dr. Narendra Chaudhari
At GNIET, we provide quality education which enables our students to force challenges at global level. Our systematic approach in classroom, laboratory-teaching and unique teaching learning process enhances comfort level of students in understanding. We have Wi-Fi campus and all the laboratories are well equipped. Our library is enriched with large number of books, international journals and magazines. Expert/Guest Lectures by professionals are regularly organized to bridge the gap between structured curriculum and current industry needs. Additional training is provided to students to develop their interpersonal skills and soft skills to enhance their employability potential. Institute is also successfully running Teacher-Guardian Scheme for overall development of students. Our faculty member are highly motivated, experienced and are encouraged for higher education, research and consultancy.

Dr. Narendra Chaudhari
Principal G.N.I.E.T
[ M. Tech, Ph. D- (C.S.E.) MA. Gandhian Thought ]

Vice-Principal G.N.I.E.T
(B.E., M.Tech.-Electrical Engg.)
Prof. Rajendra Bhombe
We at GNI believe in continuous and holistic education. Students from varied backgrounds are integrated in the societal mainstream and are empowered with lifelong skill and knowledge. For years GNI has been educating young men and women who entered its community and attained their transformation into responsible citizen and leaders of various corporate. We continue to bring the cutting edge technology and a research aptitude to our multidisciplinary academic programs ranging from engineering, Management and hospitality. We believe in the true potential of the youth of our country and nurturing these young minds will create wonders.